September – You Can Be a Blessing

Crystal Sturgill   -  

Luke 10:2 – The harvest is plentiful but the laborers are few. A timeless scripture that sadly reminds us that there will always be a shortage of those willing to work for the Lord’s harvest. Time is short and souls are many. I wanted to appeal to you today as a child of God to talk to somebody in the church and ask where you can be a blessing. No matter how much help we have, there are always more needs than people and if everybody contributed just a little, we would be able to spare a few from burning out.

I know our lives are busy but I appeal to you today to simply give the Lord a few hours of your week, wherever you are able or willing to apply yourself. We, and the Lord need you. I am encouraging, even charging all members of PCC to step in somewhere and if you do, the results will be explosive because God honors time that is sacrificed. Please join us in doing our part as a local church to impact the kingdom of God to reach the lost and to maintain what the Lord has blessed us with.

You can be a blessing in more ways than you understand. The only question is; will you?

Pastor Ardary