November – A Thankful Pastor

Crystal Sturgill   -  

I just want to take a few moments this month, even though it’s Pastor Appreciation, to tell all of you how much my family appreciates YOU. You have always been kind to us. You have always supported us. You have always been generous towards us and we would not want to pastor any other church or group of people than those whom we pastor now.

Time does not permit me to start naming individual names, but we are thankful today for all that each of you do. Your sacrifice that helps the church go forward, for everything that you give whether monetarily or of yourself. We are always aware of the fact that the church truly makes the church go forward. The pastor is to lead the church and he is the visionary for that church but he does not make the church go forward, you do.

Today, we honor you and thank God for all of you and for the wonderful opportunity to be the pastor of PCC. We are excited for what God is going to continue to do through us for His kingdom and His glory. We love you all.

Pastor & Sis Ardary & family