February 2024 – Stay in the Fight
Psalms 61:2 – From the end of the earth will I cry unto thee, when my heart is overwhelmed: lead me to the rock that is higher than I.
Let’s face it, we get overwhelmed from time to time and it’s in those moments that we question whether we can continue to go on. David had a unique approach to being overwhelmed, he sought a place that was higher than where he currently was. He wasn’t seeking a physical rock, he was seeking a spiritual one; It was a place of escape.
We have to teach ourselves to find that same rock that David stood on during the overwhelming moments of his life. This rock that he speaks of denotes a place of solitude…it was a cliff. Someplace high above life where he and Jesus could commune.
You will be overwhelmed, that is a reality of serving God. But it’s during those moments that our decisions can make us or allow us to be broken. Don’t let your circumstance break you, find a spiritual cliff and get alone with Jesus until you feel the strength of the Lord. If we do nothing, nothing will change! I only suggest to you today that you stay in the fight, and finding that rock that is higher is the key.
Pastor Ardary