August 2024 – The Time is Now

Crystal Sturgill   -  
The Time is Now
A recent article from the Jerusalem Post quoted an Israeli military commander as saying “Israel cannot be saved from annihilation.”  Luke 21:20 says “And when ye shall see Jerusalem compassed with armies, then know that the desolation thereof is nigh.” 
We have heard a lot of rhetoric against Israel over the years but this is a different time and the spirit is different. There are mounting hostilities because of Jerusalem’s invasion of the Gaza, and Iran has made threats more directly than in times past; even receiving rushed military equipment from Russia. We know my friends, that our time on this earth is closing and we must be about our Father’s business.
The time is now to reach our loved ones.
The time is now to preach with love to our families.
The times is now to boldly proclaim the Gospel of Jesus Christ because eternity is long and time is short.
The time is now to be stirred in your spirit and ask the Lord to direct you to the hungry and the thirsty because the time is now to reach the lost.
We can no longer live as if eternity is so far away and we must shake ourselves and be more passionate than ever to reach this generation. The time is now to be bold when proclaiming the love of Jesus and the power of God to set every captive free. The time is now so let’s bombard heaven to lead us to the hungry, give us the words and watch Jesus work!
Today is the day of salvation and The time is now!
Pastor Ardary