October 2024 – It’s More Blessed to Give

Crystal Sturgill   -  
A trademark of the bible is giving.  Giving is all encompassing, meaning it covers everything that pertains to giving; like finances, time, your second of two coats and so on.  When we returned from Ukraine, I pondered much regarding the level of gratitude expressed by the church leaders and pastors for the retreat.  Many expressed that they have never been on something like this, others that they prayed for a getaway because of the war, and some even prayed specifically for a “retreat” at the exact resort that we planned it.
Considering how hard it was for me to leave this time and knowing that I considered not going, I was filled with such a sense of appreciation that the Lord allowed me to be a part of blessing these people in this way.  You see, giving can change someone’s life; it can build trust, honor and respect because the recipient sees through action that you genuinely care.  It can affect someone in ways that you may never know when we respond to the Lord’s tug…but God knows!
When you ponder giving, you would do yourself a service by pondering how your small act of giving may change that person’s life or allow the church to change a life.  This is why Jesus “loves a cheerful giver”!  You TRULY are more blessed when you give.
Pastor Ardary