November 2024 – Crazy Love

Crystal Sturgill   -  

John 15:13 “Greater love hath no man than this, that a man lay down his life for his friends.” They say love will make you do crazy things. I was thinking about this statement one day, and I felt the Lord remind me that Jesus did crazy things because He loved us so much. He laid down His life. He gave everything.

On that note, I wondered what would happen in our world if we all decided to display “crazy love” to this lost and dying generation. I wonder what would happen if we went to any length to truly love people and show them that we love them as Jesus did for us. He did not hold back. He did not make excuses. He sacrificed of himself and his time. I have to believe if PCC was that determined and that diligent to show this “crazy love” to a lost world, I believe that we would see healing and an unprecedented harvest.

I want to challenge you today to show some “crazy love” to the people around us, to the people in your eyes that may not deserve it and to those who are starving for love. Pray and ask God to help you display this same “crazy love” that Jesus displayed to us because we have a commission and there is a need. Let’s be determined this upcoming year to make this a focus and a priority in our church. Show somebody some “crazy love” today and see what God does.

Pastor Ardary