January 2025 – New Vision for a New Year

Crystal Sturgill   -  

If you wear glasses you are one happy child of God because they help you see.  From time to time, those glasses get dirty or smudged up and then you have to clean them.  I for one, have a disdain for dirty glasses because I want to be able to see clearly.  When my glasses get dirty, I’m pretty emphatic about cleaning them; and the same goes with my spiritual vision.

God gives us a vision, but over time our vision gets muddied and blurry because time takes it’s toll on that vision. No matter how hard you try, you’re going to have to renew your vision. You’re going to have go back to the drawing board and ask God to give you a fresh vision, because the cares of life have simply taken their toll and your vision has become blurry.

I want to challenge you in this new year to pray and ask God to give you a brand new vision or to renew your vision so that you can see clearly as you begin the journey into 2025.  God’s will hasn’t changed and his promises haven’t been affected by the economy; we simply allow our vision to become blurry.  “Where there is no vision, the people perish”. We can’t afford to be lost and we can’t afford for people to be lost, so I call upon you to join me in praying for a renewed, or a new vision for this new year and let’s see what God has in store.

Pastor Ardary