June 2024- The Harvest Isn’t Hindered

Crystal Sturgill   -  

Matthew 9:37 “Then saith he unto his disciples, The harvest truly is plenteous, but the labourers are few. Pray ye therefore the Lord of the harvest, that he will send forth labourers into his harvest.”  I want to talk about the harvest for a moment; Oftentimes we act as if there isn’t a harvest, or we say that people “just aren’t hungry”.  But the Bible tells us that the harvest is plenteous, there  just aren’t enough laborers.
I want you to know that the harvest (of souls) isn’t affected by problems, it’s affected by laborers.  Consider a farmer; if his tractor breaks down and he can’t bring in the harvest, it’s not because there isn’t a harvest… it’s because he isn’t equipped to do so and he has no help.  So, the farmer will do whatever he must do to bring in the harvest.  If the harvest is ready, then we have to do whatever we must to be properly equipped to bring in the harvest.

We don’t have a harvest problem. We have a laborer problem. We need to be passionate about the harvest because it is READY.  People are hungry, they are hurting and they are waiting on a spiritual farmer to come to them and reap what God has sown into their spirit.  I ask you today to pray for the harvest, that the Lord would send laborers.  I ask you to do your part as being a fellow-laborer for the kingdom of God!   The Harvest isn’t Hindered…it simply waits on willing laborers.

Pastor Ardary